Ep. 7 \\ Ambition

Fear is the story you’ve told yourself that has prevented you from running after what you want. But how do you overcome that and lean into ambition? Big or small - ambition is something that drives us all. Whether it drives us to fear or motivates us to run after it harder!

Reflection questions + Challenge:

  • What do you think of when you think of ambition?

  • What are some goals and ambitions that you have for your life? If you don’t have any - start today! 

  • Is there some goal/ambition in your life - that you’re scared to pursue? What fear is keeping you from doing so?

Identify your core fear when it comes to what keeps you from pursuing your passion or dream. When you name what it is - you can then begin the process of taking small steps to overcome the fear and run towards your passions/dreams/goals!

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Ep. 8 \\ Overwhelm


Ep. 6 \\ Ramble Vacay Stories, Fave/worst trips, + Tips