Ep. 5 \\ Connection

Connection + community are a huge part of the heartbeat of Ramble & Co and our team. We believe connection is important for everyone in every walk of life - we were not made to do life alone. Walk with us as we walk through:

  • The different levels of connection

  • What role “self awareness”  plays in the realm of connection and why it is important to be able to build healthy/lasting relationships. the role 

  • The walls we can put up that can prevent us from connecting with those around us.

Reflection questions:

  • Why is connection important to you?  Why do you need it?

  • How do you like to connect with others?

  • What is keeping you from connecting with others in this season?

  • How does your own “Self awareness” play a part in your connections with others?

  • Ask yourself - am I viewing this from a healthy/free lense or through the lense of hurt/insecurity/fear?

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Ep. 6 \\ Ramble Vacay Stories, Fave/worst trips, + Tips


Ep. 4 \\ The Kathryn Episode w/ (un)guest Kathryn Hager