ep. 20 \\ DEC 2023: sitting in burnout + grief

Let’s play catch-up! Many of you know that I’ve been printing shirts for 15 years and have been a full time entrepreneur + shop owner for 9 years. My girls, ages 12, 10, and 7 have been born into a crazy hustle of life and work that I’m both proud of and exhausted from. I had a small medical issue last September followed by losing both of my grandfathers within a month of each other. Needless to say, I ended 2023 feeling an ache of burnout. I’ve sat in it, shared with close friends and family and have been praying for what chapter is next for myself, my family and my company.

I recorded this episode in December 2023 and am ready to be more open about my current season. I’ve been doing a lot of personal + business behind the scenes work that I’m ready to start sharing about. This episode is going to start the next season for this show. I’ll be back to share about what happened since this episode. If you resonate with any of what I talk about, stay tuned and don’t go far.

We did already post the survey and you can find it >> here << .

Let us know your thoughts by emailing us kathryn@rambleandcompany.com or send us a message on instagram @Rambleandcompany.


ep. 21 \\ moving forward


ep. 19 \\ joy featuring Sundee Williams