ep. 11 \\ we are back, trust the journey

Welcome back! A lot has happened since we last left off and we are excited to share with you. From the ups and downs of our new Waco location to the constant ebb and flow of Ramble life our team has gained a new perspective of what trusting the journey means to them. Join Kathryn, Alyssa, Honor, and Kassey as they touch on their personal outlooks of this hectic season and updates on what is to come at Ramble & Co.!

We want to encourage you to trust where you are and trust what is to come. Beautiful things can happen when we let go of the control and lean into what is happening around us. 

Follow us on social Instagram for all the fun BTS at the shop @rambleandcompany. We love to hear from you, email us at info@rambleandcompany if you have feedback, questions, or want to share what journey you are currently walking.

follow us @thearmadilloden @rambleandcompany

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ep. 12 \\ enjoy this moment


ep. 10 // feat. the ramble nomad